Treatment (1)
I was becoming a little weary of the hot/cold water treatment. I was back in for a session on the Tuesday night – but only after I had done some running and sprinting – had to turn up again on Wednesday lunchtime, then back again on the Thursday evening. I was feeling pretty good and running fine, although I must confess to failing to admit that a lot of painkillers were going down into my system as well!
The Dean
I got a surprise message from the Dean’s office in mid-week, saying that he would like to see me, so I got myself along there promptly. I also had a good idea of the topic that would be under discussion.
In order to be allowed to sit the final examinations, every dental student had to accumulate a certain total of points – awarded for the number of fillings, scalings, dentures, crowns etc. performed on patients. I was seriously struggling for numbers in this area, as I was taking too much time off to attend to my other duties at Celtic Park, including one trip to Tbilisi.
I had passed all the relevant exams but that points total was becoming a real problem and I just knew that my lack of numbers would be the area under discussion. And it was. The Dean could not have been more pleasant – and I was grateful for that – but he did come up with a solution to the problem.
Normally, final year students in dentistry take the first part of their finals in March and the second part in June. So, in order for me to catch up on the points total, he suggested that I did the first part in June and the second part in September. A perfect solution, for which he got my eternal thanks.
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